Odlukom Europske komisije od 28. travnja 2021. godine, projektu Hrvatske akreditacijske agencije pod nazivom “Capacity building of Croatian Accreditation Agency for development of accreditation scheme to support Cybersecurity Act” odobreno je sufinanciranje iz programskog fonda CEF Telecom, prema pozivu CEF-TC-2020-2 (Cybersecurity). Ukupna vrijednost projekta iznosi €758.737, s maksimalnim EU udjelom u iznosu €569.053. Implementacija projekta je započela u listopadu 2021. i trajat će do travnja 2024. godine.
Glavni je cilj projekta proširenje postojećih akreditacijskih aktivnosti koje HAA trenutno provodi na novu akreditacijsku shemu za kibersigurnosnu certifikaciju u sklopu postojećih akreditacijskih shema za akreditaciju certifikacijskih tijela koja provode certifikaciju proizvoda, usluga i procesa u skladu s normom HRN EN ISO/IEC 17065 te akreditaciju ispitnih laboratorija u skladu s normom HRN EN ISO/IEC 17025, a sve sa svrhom ispunjavanja uvjeta postavljenih za nacionalna akreditacijska tijela u Uredbi (EU) 2019/881 (Akt o kibersigurnosti) i nacionalnom zakonodavnom okviru. Projektom će se ojačati i unaprijediti kompetencije HAA u izvršavanju važne uloge u postupku akreditacije tijela za ocjenjivanje sukladnosti (TOS-eva) u skladu s Uredbom (EU) 2019/881 (Akt o kibersigurnosti) kao i organizirati aktivnosti podizanja svijesti o kibersigurnosti i edukacije za HAA osoblje i vanjske suradnike.
Projektom će se razviti i implementirati IT infrastruktura koja će doprinijeti digitalizaciji procesa HAA. Na isti način povećat će se razina sigurnosti i brzine prilikom razmjene podataka i dokumenata što će posljedično dovesti do povećane radne učinkovitosti, optimizacije rada i trajanja postupaka HAA.
By the European Commission implementing decision from 28 April 2021., the Croatian Accreditation Agency action “Capacity building of Croatian Accreditation Agency for development of accreditation scheme to support Cybersecurity Act” was selected for the co-founding from the CEF Telecom Program fund, under the Call CEF-TC-2020-2 (Cybersecurity). The total eligible costs are €758.737, with maximum EU contribution €569.053. Implementation of the action is from October 2021. until April 2024.
The main goal of the project is to extend the existing accreditation activities that Croatian Accreditation Agency (HAA) is currently carrying out, to a new accreditation scheme for cybersecurity certification that certify products, services and processes in accordance with HRN EN ISO / IEC 17065 and accreditation of testing laboratories in accordance with the standard HRN EN ISO / IEC 17025, all with the purpose of meeting the requirements set for national accreditation bodies in Regulation (EU) 2019/881 (Cybersecurity Act) and the national legislative framework. The Action will strengthen the HAA and build its competences for preforming important role in the process of accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) in line with the Cybersecurity Act as well as to organize an awareness raising activities on cybersecurity and of trainings for the HAA’s staff and external associates.
In the scope of the project is also development and implementation of the IT infrastructure which will benefit to the digitalization of the HAA processes. This will increase the level of security and speed of data and document exchange and consequently it will increase the work efficiency, optimization of the work and length of the HAA operations.
Action Name: Capacity building of Croatian Accreditation Agency for development of accreditation scheme to support Cybersecurity Act
Programme: CEF Telecom
DSI: Cybersecurity
Call year: 2020-2
Location: Croatia
Implementation schedule: October 2021 to April 2024
Maximum EU contribution: €569,053
Total eligible costs: €758,737
Percentage of EU support: 75%
Coordinator: Croatian Accreditation Agency (Croatia)
Status: ongoing
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the Croatian Accreditation Agency and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.